Award Alert: Emilie Cullen Selected Top Student Paper at AEJMC Conference

With her name tag and padfolio, Emilie was prepared to present! Photo curtesy of Emilie Cullen.

Last Friday, our very own Vol. 73 Business Editor and Vol. 72 2L Member of the Year, Emilie Cullen, appeared at the 105th annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference in Detroit, Michigan.

Emilie’s note—which was selected for publication in Syracuse Law Review, Vol. 73— “An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: COVID-19 Misinformation By Medical Professionals May Be Protected By The First Amendment” was selected by the AEJMC Conference for presentation at the Top Paper Panel as the 2022 Top Student Paper in the Law and Policy Division! The panel included the authors of the first, second, and third place top faculty papers.

Emilie presenting her paper! Photo curtesy of Emilie Cullen.

Emilie was accompanied by her faculty note advisor, Professor Roy Gutterman L’00. Professor Gutterman, who was Syracuse Law Review’s Editor-In-Chief for Vol. 50, also presented at AEJMC, with his work titled “Hexing, Vexing and Flexing: A Look at the Legal and First Amendment Implications of Curses, Spells and Witchcraft.”

Congratulations Emilie!

Emilie pictured with Professor Gutterman, L’00 and another attendee.
Photo curtesy of Emilie Cullen.

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