
Subscription Rates:
Subscription Price Information 2015-2016

All Subscriptions are non-refundable

Subscriptions will be automatically renewed unless notice to the contrary is received by the Review prior to October 15th.  Recent single issues are available from the Syracuse Law Review.  For back issues, please contact William S. Hein & Co., Inc.  All notifications of change of address should include old and new addresses.  Please inform us one month in advance to ensure prompt delivery.

Citations generally conform to A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed. 2015).  The Syracuse Law Review acknowledges that, pursuant to rule 10.3.1, all cases should be cited only to regional reporters.  However, to better serve our local subscribers, the Syracuse Law Review will continue to provide parallel citations to New York cases.

Please send all correspondence to:
Syracuse Law Review
Syracuse University College of Law, Dineen Hall
950 Irving Avenue
Syracuse, New York 13244-1030

Phone:  (315) 443-3680