Monthly Archives: February 2016

Injured? You May be Covered: Court Of Appeals Extends the Duty of Care Owed by Medical Providers to Members of the General Public

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— By Andrew Stewart Davis v. South Nassau Communities Hosp., 2015 NY Slip Op 09229 (December 16, 2015). Abstract: The Court of Appeals recognized a legal duty owed by medical… Read more »

Women Only Liable for Intentional Injuries to Unborn Fetuses, Court of Appeals Says

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–by Chris Powers Abstract: The New York Court of Appeals ruled that a mother cannot be held liable for the death of a newborn baby when the baby’s injury was… Read more »

Second Circuit Holds that the Discharge Injunction Provisions of the Bankruptcy Code do not Repeal Post Discharge Claims Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

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— by Matthew Schutte Case: Garfield v. Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC, 2016 U.S.  App. LEXIS 3 (2d Cir. 2016) Abstract: Plaintiff borrower appealed from District Court’s dismissal of her post discharge Fair… Read more »