Category: Article Archive

Archive of Court Watch articles, Articles, and Notes

Puchalski v. Depew Union Free School Dist.

The petitioner, Robert Puchalski, was an administrator for the respondent, Depew Union Free School District (“District”) and the Board of Education of Depew Union Free School District, for over seventeen… Read more »

United States ex. rel. Grupp v. DHL Express, Inc.

In this qui tam suit, Kevin Grupp and Robert Moll appealed the district court’s decision to dismiss their action for failure to satisfy a statutory notice requirement. Grupp and Moll,… Read more »

Starr Int’l Co., Inc. v. Fed. Reserve Bank of N.Y.

The appeal considered whether a breach of fiduciary duty cause of action could be brought against the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (“FRBNY”) over its rescue of American International… Read more »