Category: Court Watch

Landon v. Kroll Lab. Specialists, Inc.

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This appeal addressed whether the plaintiff, Eric Landon, stated a cause of action to survive a motion to dismiss by the defendant, Kroll Laboratory Specialists, Inc. (“Kroll”), for the alleged… Read more »

4th Department: Wilk v. James

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This appeal followed the denial of defendants’ motion for summary judgment by the Supreme Court of Erie County. Plaintiff Joanne Wilk, administratrix of decedent Steven Wilk, filed a wrongful death… Read more »

4th Department: Rawlins ex rel. Rawlins v. St. Joseph’s Hosp. Health Center

This appeal addressed the time limit on discovery concerning standards of medical practice and the requirements the opposing party must meet to preclude such discovery. In the Supreme Court for… Read more »

4th Department: Pinnacle Charter Sch. v. Bd. of Regents of Univ. of State of N.Y.

In April 2012, defendant Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York (“Board of Regents”) denied the application of plaintiff Pinnacle Charter School (“Pinnacle”) to renew… Read more »

4th Department: Grace v. Law

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This appeal addressed whether a defendant waives or abandons a legal malpractice claim (1) after voluntarily discontinuing the foundational medical malpractice action, and (2) by not appealing a trial court’s… Read more »

New York Court of Appeals: J. P. Morgan Chase Sec., Inc. v. Vigilant Ins. Co.

In this appeal, the Court of Appeals addressed the circumstances required to dismiss an insurance claim as violating public policy because it seeks coverage for conduct done with the intent… Read more »