Category: Labor and Employment Law

New York Court of Appeals: Auqui v. Seven Thirty One Ltd. Partnership

This appeal addresses the preclusive effect of an administrative finding of fact.  The plaintiff, Jose Verdugo, was a food service deliveryman who was injured when a sheet of plywood fell… Read more »

4th Department: Gress v. Brown

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The New York State Legislature enacted the Buffalo Fiscal Stability Authority Act (“the Act”) in 2003 to respond to Buffalo’s regular and “untenable” reliance upon state aid to stabilize its… Read more »

Article: State and Local Government Funding of Health and Retirement Benefits for Employees: Current Problems and Possible Solutions with California Health Benefts as an Example

Government employee health and retirement benefits have come under a likely unprecedented critique, some may say attack, during the difficult economic times, particularly for state and local governments, during the… Read more »

Article: Why Opponents are Destined to Lose the Debate on Photo ID and Proof of Citizenship Laws: Simply Put – People Want Secure and Fair Elections

Not many would argue that banks should leave their front doors and vaults unlocked, even in towns lacking any reported cases of bank robbery. To the contrary, many banks and… Read more »