Category: Administrative Law

Puchalski v. Depew Union Free School Dist.

The petitioner, Robert Puchalski, was an administrator for the respondent, Depew Union Free School District (“District”) and the Board of Education of Depew Union Free School District, for over seventeen… Read more »

New York Court of Appeals: Bitachatchi v. Board of Trustees of New York City of Police Department Pension Fund

In this case, the Court considered three consolidated appeals, each addressing a police officer that responded to provide assistance at the World Trade Center (“WTC”) following the attacks on September… Read more »

Article: Congressional Oversight of the “Marketplace of Ideas”: Defectors as Sources of War Rhetoric

Congressional oversight is “one of the most important responsibilities of the United States Congress,” particularly when oversight can enhance the likelihood that executive policies will reflect the public interest, augment… Read more »

Note: Statutory Purpose and Deferring to Agency Interpretations of Laws. The Immigration Law Paradigm: “Aged Out”—Get Deported!

K-2 visa holders are children of alien-fiancé(e)s of United States citizens, who are issued a visa to accompany their parents to the U.S.  An alien parent is issued a K-1… Read more »