Category: Notes

Note: Young Fella, If You’re Looking for Trouble I’ll Accommodate You: Deputizing Private Companies for the Use of Hackback

A computer operator sits in front of a computer screen, monitoring a tank of toxic chemicals.[1]  A series of computers control the tank’s physical hardware.  All of a sudden, the… Read more »

Note: Statutory Purpose and Deferring to Agency Interpretations of Laws. The Immigration Law Paradigm: “Aged Out”—Get Deported!

K-2 visa holders are children of alien-fiancé(e)s of United States citizens, who are issued a visa to accompany their parents to the U.S.  An alien parent is issued a K-1… Read more »

Note: Nights on the Museum: Should Free Housing Provided to Museum Directors Also be Tax-Free

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is, arguably, one of the great cultural institutions of our time.  Visitors come from all over the world to indulge in its timeless collection spanning… Read more »

Note: It’s Not Popular but it Sure is Right: The (In)admissibility of Statements Made Pursuant to Sexual Offender Treatment Programs

Sex offenders are not a sympathetic bunch.  Throughout American history, society has imposed on sexual offenders a variety of punishments, from incarceration[1] to castration.[2]  In recent years, in response to… Read more »

Note: Green Technology: An Alternative Path to Accelerated Patent Examination

In the last quarter century, a particular problem facing humanity has become increasingly clear to innovators around the world: the consumption of immense quantities of natural resources of limited and… Read more »